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File Fortmat

JPEG: Is known as a image file format it what many cameras use a default output. It saves by on the image from memory card there are file size of small that you could save it in they can’t be small prints.

TIFF: is a bigger file that will take up you space. you need to be able to have more storage for TIFF. They uncompressed unlike JPEG.

RAW: give you high quality in the photos you take they will require plenty memory cards. You have to edits the phot before putting in the RAW that you must edit your RAW photos.

DNG: is create by Adobe and is provide a standard for RAW file for all the manufacturers and cameras. You can store you RAW files at DNGs for maximum future- proofing. Editing software like Lightroom can convert large batches of files to DGNs so it you don’t have to do it manually. DGN might be a safer option for a long-term because they guard against the inability to open or access files in the future.

PNG: They are compressed in a lossless format and they could retain all the details. They allow for partial and total transparency. They make a good image quality which is not compromised when editing.

GIF: They are mostly used for on the internet and they have lost compression  which the image quality is not sacrificed for. The GIF files only contain 256 color so there best for photos and not images with limited color. They can also contain for animation.

BMP: They are used for large files as a color data to save in each individual pixel and you use it without compression. They can be used from a high quality digital file is a good print but a bad ideal for web. They used for printing and for images high quality.

PSD: Is a file of Adobe Photoshop that uses as a default to save data. It has a big advantage for PSD and is allowed for manipulation on specific individual layers than on main image itself. They have to be layered file flattened and can’t be undone anymore. When the image is ready they can be re-saved in any other file formant you want.



I love how the eye looks so realistic. The details look so real and seems like they spend a lot of time on it. It looks nice how the eye shines and show great detail to the eye. Even the veins in the eyes show perfection. They show them looking at something. The eyelashes looks so good and the wrinkles around the eyes looks cool too.


Mode: T6i, F/8, 1/3200, 20.00mm, ISO: 400

Mode: T6i, F/5.0, 1/3200, 20.00mm,  ISO: 400

Mode: T6i, F/5.0, 1/3200, 20.00mm, ISO:400

Mode: T6i, F/9, 1/125, 47.00mm, ISO: 400

I love this angle because you can see move view in the side. It looks good that 2 ducks are there. Up close the ducks looks really beautiful minding there business but one of them might be attacking the camera. The water looks fresh and clear and clean and makes want to touch it. The day seems good and up the view of clouds look nice and the sun shining is fantastic. The angle looks so good makes me want to take a picture like that but might be a risk to do it. This picture has me in so may emotions like funny, calm, relief and more. It even has trees and houses in the back is much better. The ducks look like their having a good day too. It even has shadow on the cloud makes it good even on the ducks. Has good composition and aperture. Couldn’t ask any better picture takin this looks so fantastic. It caught my eyes and i couldn’t find any better picture than this. The clouds look so fluffy and look like cotton candy makes me want to eat it. It was a great risk to take this picture near the water.


model: T6i/ Aperture: 5184×3456/ shutter speed: 1/200 sec / ISO: 400/ 55mm/ f: 1/20

Mode: T6i/ Aperture:5184×3456/ F:1/20 /shutter speed: 1/200 sec / ISO: 400 / 28.00 mm

Mode: T6i/ Aperture 5184×3456? F: 1/20/ 28.00 mm/ shutter speed: 1/200 sec / ISO: 400

I looks good when it was taking in the ground and right angel. The shadow gives it good texture. The light looks like it was a sunset and that the shadow was seen more clearly. The ground looks cool with it’s pattern. The side of the picture looks god has shadow and light. the people in the photo like a a shadow too. They took a good photo and took the shutter speed low. You could also see in the back there are two other shadows. They made the photo look cool and didn’t darken it. The light in the back makes it better and shows better.

Composition photo’s


Canon: T6i/ F: 18/ Exposure: 1/60/ ISO-400/ FL: 41mm
Canon: T6i/ F: 18/ Exposure: 1 /125/ ISO-400/ FL: 32mm
Canon: T6i/ f/18/ Exposure: 1/400/ ISO-400/ FL: 30
I love how it caught my attention and i couldn’t stop looking at it how it makes me feel calm and relax. the water on the rose makes it pop out and show a lot of texture to it. How it amazes me on hoe beautiful it is and how it was taken. Also love how this rose pops up so many ways. It shows how the detail of the water on the rose and how you could only pay attention to the rose. How the rose color is not to bright and not to dark how the shadow is done well. How the rose seems refresh and soothing. How they blurry the background for they can show how the rose is perfection.

What I learned about camera exposure and camera modes.

The aperture controls the area of which light could enter the camera. People would say ” stopping down” or “opening up” because that’s the way they say when there going to increase it or decrease f-stop the lenses to say it polity. Shutter speed is when either the camera sensor will be opened or closed to the incoming light. The shutter speed is a tool for helping you freeze and show emotion. You can’t have shake hands because the shutter speed catches the motion. The ISO shows you have sensitive when light is incoming to the camera. ISO is commonly used increase because it will cause image noise. Camera exposure modes is the one that aperture, shutter speed, and ISO are chosen to given exposure.

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