Am I Talking to Myself

The creative I’ve done for am i talking to myself wasn’t any inspiration well kind of was. Just thought of it in my head the minute i first heard were doing this work. I just thought of because I didn’t see other people do it and just though of it as a chance. Just thought of the person filling up there water and having other people wait in a line. Didn’t know what the people have to wait for and do something while they wait. I looks like the person takes long so the other people do something else to kill time while their waiting. I just wanna get it over with and didn’t have any other idea except this one. Just got this because i see people waiting to get water during passing period. If i wouldn’t thought of this idea i wouldn’t of any other ideas and will just get lost in thoughts. So i hope this idea will be good it was just a simple one not exciting.

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